How do recruiters find Executive candidates online?

Next week I am giving a presentation on career development to a group of executives. The main focus is on social media and specifically on LinkedIn as a channel to creating a personal brand and for being found by recruiters.

To help in my preparation, would you mind sharing some of your experiences in recruiting executives?

  • Where do you look for candidates?
    • What are your favorite places to look for candidates? Is LinkedIn at the top?
    • How much do you focus on already submitted applications versus finding prospects online?
  • How do you find and filter the most interesting resumes?
    • Do you use keyword search? If so, how do you decide what keywords to use?
    • Are keywords specific to each position or are you looking for general keywords used to describe roles?
  • What are you looking for in an online resume?
    • Do you prefer a short and concise summary of experience, or a more elaborate outcome-focused resume?
    • Do you look more for intrinsic abilities or do you focus on achievements?
    • What makes a resume stand out?
    • What would make you disregard a resume?
  • When do you search for online prospects?
    • Do you do it as soon as a position becomes available or only if no applications come in?
  • If you were to share recommendations with some career hungry executives, what would those be?

Please share your answers in the Comments below or by emailing me directly at I will treat any emailed information confidentially.

Many thanks for your help!