SocialTables, a new fun social tool for event organizers

A friend who knows I have a passion about networking and events-software just introduced me to, a new tool that is really fun and that I am sure will capture a lot of interest. In short, SocialTables allows an event organizer to layout the tables at the gathering, and then place the guests at their seats by simply dragging and dropping them in place. It is such a simple task to drag and drop the icons of the guests that I am sure many hours will be spent figuring out how to place people – becuase the hardest challenge still remains – who goes next to...

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Why did I start a web design business?

So the obvious question came up – why did I start a web design business? Several things led to my decision, including these: as I am out touting social media, I often get nodding heads but most people say they need to get a professional website in place first – I reached a point when I didn’t think I should give up on these opportunities I met with some seriously interesting people when I recently visited Sweden, one was an investigative journalist and photographer, the other was a music producer that has introduced some revolutionary business model. Both of these gentlemen...

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