Managing the social information flow

@chrisbrogan raises some interesting questions in his blog “I want now not new” about how to manage the amount of noise that hits our inboxes, Twitter and other places. I mentioned my admiration for Outlook and how I use it to manage multiple inboxes in my previous blog entry. (however I am also very frustrated with Outlook, but that is for another story). Here are some other ideas for making the email information flow more manageable with Outlook. DISCLAIMER copy my work methods at your own risk 🙂 Create a parallel inbox where you only move emails meeting certain criteria. For many years...

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Abandon your community at your own risk

I am a big fan of the Zune music subscription service that allows me to search, listen to, experience and enjoy music and media in some amazing ways. Much of the focus of the Zune experience is the social aspect of sharing your music experience with friends an like minded. The Zune software (both on the Zune player and online) has earned a devout following. One fun aspect is that the system scores your listening and gives you “badges” for artists, songs and and albums you listen to a lot. While the service and the music players have been around since 2006 the service is going through regular...

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It can be hard to interpret data

Even if you have solid data to help you form an opinion or make a business decision, how do you know that you interpret the data the right way? Depending on how you ask the question, you may end up with very different answers, and if you didn’t define the questions in the first place, or weren’t part of screening the interviewees, the answer may not be that helpful. Sometimes that is obvious but sometimes it is harder to see a trap even when you stand in it. I found these two very useful pieces of data, then I started to question how I could actually use them. The topic in my mind was...

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Outlook as the hub of my business work and private communication

There is no doubt that Microsoft Office is the productivity suite I spend 90% of my time in. Whether I am writing emails, making presentations or doing strategic planning, Office is the key enabler for me. This may not come as a big surprise however recently I have had the opportunity to team up with several entrepreneurs in different business areas, and they have a mix of infrastructures that normally would make it close to impossible to stay in sync. This is where Outlook has saved the day!   My main communication is through Outlook via Exchange (not much to say – they are made for each...

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Presentation: Personal Social Media Success

This presentation introduces social media as a Web 2.0 phenomenon. It addresses user generated content and the importance of contributing to the community as part of an effort of building your personal brand. The presentation goes on to emphasize some of the challenges with the web and then proposes a strawman strategy for personal success with social media. It also briefly covers LinkedIn, blogging, Twitter, Facebook and online etiquette. If you have enjoyed Håkan’s interactive presentation that include demonstrations, then you can find it here [LINK]. You need Silverlight installed...

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